वेद पढ़ने के विविध प्रकार

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The oral tradition of the Vedas (Śrauta) consists of several paths, "recitations" or ways of chanting the Vedic mantras. Such traditions of Vedic chant are often considered the oldest unbroken oral tradition in existence, the fixation of the Vedic texts (Samhitas) as preserved dating to roughly the time of Homer (early Iron Age).

UNESCO proclaimed the tradition of Vedic chant a Masterpiece of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity on November 7, 2003. They are comprised rather of totally accented verses and hypnotic, abstruse melodies whose proper realizations demand oral instead of visual transmission. They are robbed of their essence when transferred to paper, for without the human element the innumerable nuances and fine intonations – inseparable and necessary components of all four compilations – are lost completely. The ultimate authority in Vedic matters is never the printed page but rather the few members ... who are today keeping the centuries-old traditions alive."

Various Vedic Pathas through Rig Veda Suktam  | #TSJD | V2


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