
Showing posts from March, 2020

इटावा में मंदिर में तोड़फोड़, दरोगा समेत चार गिरफ्तार

जांच में पता चला कि आरोपियों ने गांव वालों को एकजुट कर बौद्ध धर्म का प्रचार-प्रसार करने के इरादे से मठ को गिराया और यहां भागवान बुद्ध, भीमराव अंबेडकर की प्रतिमा लगाना चाहते थे... और पढ़ें : थाना सहसों के एक गांव में शुक्रवार की रात कुछ लोगों ने मंदिर में तोड़फोड़ की। इससे लोगों में आक्रोश फैल गया। जानकारी पर पुलिस ने मंदिर को फिर से बनवाकर मामले को शांत करा दिया। तोड़फोड करने के मामले में दरोगा समेत चार लोगों को पुलिस ने गिरफ्तार किया है। और पढ़ें: इस मामले में सिंचाई विभाग के इंजीनियर सहित छह लोगों के खिलाफ एफ आई आर दर्ज की गई है
Tabligh-e-Jamaat congregation: 700 people quarantined in Nizamuddin West, around 335 admitted to hospitals, says Delhi health minister — Press Trust of India (@PTI_News) March 31, 2020
Five more people test coronavirus positive in Maha; total climbs to 230: Health official — Press Trust of India (@PTI_News) March 31, 2020

जब शरीर के अंदर कोई जीवाणु या विषाणु घुसता है तो

#कोरोना_वायरस #चार_वर्ण #मनुस्मृति जब शरीर में कोई विषाणु या जीवाणु आता है तो चार बाते होती हैं ..और सबके साथ होती हैं । और जो भी बात वयष्टि में होती है वही समष्टि में होती है । वैज्ञानिक ( मेडिकल साईंस ) का आधार , जब आपके शरीर के अंदर कोई जीवाणु या विषाणु घुसता है तो . .... t -helper , यह केमिकल्स को सूंघ कर शरीर के प्रतिरोधी क्षमता की सहायता करता है । सूंघना अर्थात् गंध , और पृथिवि का गुण , मनु स्मृति में “ गंध “ ही बताया गया है । इस t-Helper को आप मनु स्मृति के अनुसार सहायक ( शूद्र) कह सकते हैं । t-regulatory यह प्रतिरोधी क्षमता का नियम बनाने वाली संस्था होती है जिसे भगवान मनु ने वैश्य बताया था । t-killer जैसा की नाम से पता चल जाता है की प्रतिरोधी क्षमता को बचाने के लिए शरीर की यह व्यवस्था युद्घ करती है और भगवान मनु ने इसे ही क्षत्रिय बताया है। t-memory और आए हुए विषाणु जीवाणु को याद रखने वाली संस्था को आज का मेडिकल साइंसेज़ t-memory कहता है और इसी मेधा शक्ति को भगवान मनु ने “ ब्राह्मण “ कहा है । और कई ट्रिलियन डॉलर खर्चा करके #WHO उस छुआछूत को अपनाने के लिए कह रहा...


Excellent interpretation of Ramayan

ERNAKULAM: The alcohol ban in Kerala seems to be killing more people than the virus itself in the state, which has one of India’s highest per capita liquor consumption. The state, like the rest of India, has been forced to go dry in the wake of the ongoing 21-day nationwide lockdown. Read more: In God’s own country, 1 died of Covid-19 but 7 commit suicide after alcohol ban

देहरादून एसपी सिटी श्वेता चौबे ने सड़कों पर चलते मजदूरों को रोककर देखिए क्या कहा

आम जन ,प्रदेश वासी,अप्रवासी प्रदेशवासियों से संवाद !

मित्रों-यह चमत्कार है या हाथ की सफाई अपनी राय अवश्य दें

In spain medical team chanting OM and Satnam Ek Onkar ||Doctors also kee... via @YouTube — Daphne Matthews Whelan (@daphnematthews) March 30, 2020
A Muslim woman from Jammu and Kashmir donated her savings of Rs 5 lakh, meant for the Hajj pilgrimage, to an RSS-affiliate after apparently being "impressed with the welfare work" done by the outfit amid the lockdown due to the novel coronavirus pandemic. Read more: Coronavirus: Impressed with welfare work, Muslim woman donates savings for Hajj to RSS-affiliate

Коротко про те, як я провів день संक्षेप में मैंने दिन कैसे बिताया

Рай земной

सब्जी, फल, राशन खरीद कर भाव पता कर रहे थे

पूज्य देवी ज्योति जी जय माता दी

महाराष्ट्र से बंगाल...महामारी का फैलता जाल

जो सात वचन दिए थे

गऱीब का बेटा है साहब किसी भी परीस्थिति में अपने उत्तारदायित्व को निभाएगा !! जो सात वचन दिए थे न उसकी लाज बड़ी शिद्दत से निभाएगा !! तुम इठलाती रहो तीन लाख की चाय की प्याली और नब्बे लाख के लहंगे पर ये तुम्हारे नसीब में नहीं आ पाएगा...!! — Rounak (@Rounak_Saffron) March 29, 2020
Guidelines for #KuttonKeRakshak To protect Dogs from Diwali Cracker Sound, "Please eat them" I'm Serious 1000 kilos dog meat seized at Chennai Egmore railway station. It was transported from Jodhpur under the tag 'beef meat' to distribute to hotels..🙊🙊 Authorities beefed up — Joyjeet Chowdhury 🇮🇳 (@joyjeetchowdhur) November 18, 2018

Hindus of the UAE

Indians are the single largest community in the United Arab Emirates, and Hindus make up approximately 25 percent of that community, today we take a look at their history and lives in this country.

खुरजा में मस्जिद के मौलाना और प्रशासन के बीच हुई वार्ता के कुछ महत्वपूर्ण अंश

Ghatam Karthick - A MEDLEY Doordarshan and All India Radio. Indian Classical Gems

जैसे कि श्री हरि सनातन हैं

श्री राम वन्दे पुरुषोत्तमम आप सभी मित्रो को नववर्ष विक्रम सम्बत २०७७ के आगमन पर शुभकामनाये और बधाई| सनातन वैदिक संस्कृति अपार है, आदि, अनादि और अननत है| यह शास्वत है और सदा एक सामान रहने बाला है और किसी भी स्थति में यह समाप्त नहीं होता- जैसे की श्री हरि सनातन हैं| यह इतना पुरातन है की कोई कल्पना और गणना भी नहीं कर सकता पूरी दुनिया की सबसे पुरातन संस्कृति यदि कोई है तो वो हैं सनातन वैदिक संस्कृति जिसे आज अपभ्रंश नाम हिन्दू कहा जाता है| यह किसी व्यक्ति या महात्मा या महापुरुष के नाम से नहीं चलता बलिक इसके रक्षक, आधार और पहचान तो स्वयं भगवान श्री राम हैं| तभी इसके रक्षा के लिए स्वयं प्रभु कोई न कोई रूप लेकर हर युग में धर्म की स्थापना और दुष्टो का नाश के लिए आ जाते हैं| हमारे धर्म में हर समस्या का निदान बताया गया है| पर हमारे देश के शासक अपने ही पहचान और आयुर्वेद और धर्म से अनभिग हैं और उसी का परिणाम है की हम लोग भटक रहे हैं और अपने धर्म पर पूर्ण बिस्वाश नहीं करते| ऐसी कोई दुनिया का समस्या हो वो चाहे राष्ट्रों का, देश का राज्य का या परिवार, मित्र या शत्रु कोई भी समस्या हो हर समस्या क...

Life Changing Seminar - By Sandeep Maheshwari I Hindi


Latest Update | कोरोना से दर्दनाक मौत | Let's Defeat Corona Virus | Dr V...


Corona: दुनिया पे आयी सबसे बड़ी समस्या, क्या करे ? || HG Amogh Lila Prabhu


Corona Conversation with Dad feat. Jeetu and Gajraj Rao


Coronavirus क्या है और अपने आप को कैसे सुरक्षित रखें - Safety Measures &...


Lockdown With Parivar | Ashish Chanchlani


श्री राम लला सरकार की प्रथम आरती दर्शन !

Modern Sanskrit songs s knowledge,आधुनिकसंस्कृतगीतज्ञानं च | Sanskrit lovers

Please see what Baba Ramdev says about Corona infliction and immune development. (in Hindi)!

देखो इस को 2 दिन अपने घर का झाड़ू पोंछा करना पड़ गया तो नानी याद आ गयी ..

Stay at home! A fervent appeal!

How to disinfect lungs.. (In Tamil).

Suryashtakam! Maha Papa Haram Devam - Tam Suryam Pranamaamyaham!

एक मूर्ख इंसान जी हां सिर्फ एक मूर्ख इंसान कैसे पूरे देश को बर्बाद कर सकता है उसका उदाहरण इटली है!

खुशी बांटने से बढ़ती है, अपनो के बीच से बाहर भी दुनियां है।

पुरातन ज्ञान

गौमूत्र पर भारत सरकार की एक उत्कृष्ट पहल

गाय का चारा बंद, पर दूध चाहिए?

आज कल नवरात्रि चल रही है और घर-घर में और मंदिरों में कीर्तन होते हैं

*आज कल नवरात्रि चल रही है और घर-घर में और मंदिरों में कीर्तन होते हैं, लेकिन आज जब हम घर में बैठे हैं। तो अकेले-अकेले यह सब नहीं हो पाता। कीर्तन करने के लिए लोग चाहिए, सबका साथ चाहिए, लेकिन ऐसे में अब क्या करें। तो हमारा भारत महान हर चीज का हल है देखिए महिलाओं ने क्या हल निकाला है।

नमो देव्यै महादेव्यै शिवायै सततं नमः । नमः प्रकृत्यै भद्रायै नियताः प्रणताः स्म ताम् ॥

27 March 2020 आज की खबरें |देश के मुख्य समाचार |आज की ताजा खबरें|2020|ma...


Subuhi Khan talks to Madhu Kishwar about her family & other influences t...


Shivkalyan Raja by Lata Mangeshkar

Maraathi geet Sung by many. From Lata Mangeshkar to Arya Ambekar. But originally composed by none other than Samartha Raamadaas Swaami. The best song to describe what Chatrapati Shivaaji Mahaaraaj meant to Vedic Dharma and Bhaaratam.
जैसे की सब जानते ही हैं की लॉक डाऊन के कारण हम सब घरों में मजबूरी मैं फंसे बैठे हैं। घर के कामों के लिए बाहर से आनेवाले कर्मियों पर भी बंदी है। तो घर के कामों को कर रहे सदस्यों पर काम का बोझ बड़ गया है। कुछ एक सदस्य लगभग बिल्कुल ही खाली भी हो गये हैं। कहने की आवश्यकता नहीं है, घर के कामों को सब सदस्य मिल-बांट कर ही रहे होंगे और करना भी चाहिए ताकि किसी पर भी बोझ ना बढें। इस समय कई और रोग हावी हो सकते हैं हम पर, आयु, शारीरिक संरचना, अपनी-अपनी रोग प्रतिरोधक शक्ति के अनुसार। जिसमें से कुछ रोग इस समय 40-50 से ऊपर की आयु के लोगों को तो जल्दी घेर ही सकते हैं पर 20-50 वाले भी कोई 100% सुरक्षित तो नहीं हैं। जैसे की ह्रदय रोग, मानसिक अवसाद, विटामिन और खनिजों (minerals) की कमी, शुगर और ब्लड प्रेशर और तो और ये सब रोग एक-दुसरे से काफी हद तक जुड़े भी हैं, तो ये सब एक-दूसरे रोग को बढ़ावा भी देते हैं। तो कुछ बातें अगर हम लोग अपनी दिनचर्या में शामिल कर लेंगे तो इन रोगों के बचाव में काफी मददगार होंगी। 1) पार्क नहीं जा सकते, बाहर नहीं जा सकते पर घर की छत पर या घर के किसी लंबे खुले कमरे में थोड़ा सुबह-...
Sunil Kumar Verma * Version 1 : Received: 20 March 2020 / Approved: 24 March 2020 / Online: 24 March 2020 (03:16:22 CET) How to cite: Verma, S.K. In Search of Feasible Interventions for the Prevention and Cure of Novel Coronavirus Disease 2019 . Preprints 2020, 2020030353 (doi: 10.20944/preprints202003.0353.v1). Verma, S.K. In Search of Feasible Interventions for the Prevention and Cure of Novel Coronavirus Disease 2019 . Preprints 2020, 2020030353 (doi: 10.20944/preprints202003.0353.v1).Copy Abstract COVID-19 (coronavirus disease 2019) is a public health emergency of international concern caused by Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). As of this time, there is no known effective pharmaceutical, phytopharmaceutical or traditional medicine for cure or prevention of COVID-19, although it is urgently needed. In this review, based on the current understanding of the disease molecular mechanisms of novel Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 and its closest relative SARS-Co...
An Antibiotics  is an agent that kills microorganisms or inhibits their growth. Infectious diseases kill top, next to cancer and heart diseases. Despite large number of Antibiotics in the market, it is virtually impossible to curb Infectious diseases. One primary reason behind this is that we are using dead weapons against live enemies. By the time stupid pharma companies upgrade their chemical composition of drugs, virus and bacteria develops enough intelligence to resist them. Read more: Live vs Dead Medicines

सम्पूर्ण सुंदर कांड !! Sunder Kand With Animation !! PremParkash Dubey !...


Creative fashion, Continuous Bias Strip Making.


Top 100 songs of Lata Mangeshkar | लाता जी के 100 गाने | HD Songs | One ...


अखंड राम धुन - श्री राम जय राम जय जय राम - Nonstop Ram Dhun - Devotion ...


tum hi ho mata pita tum hi ho ..lata mangeshkar.


Kaajal - प्राणी अपने प्रभु से पूछे किस विधि पाऊँ तोहे - Asha Bhonsle

प्राणी अपने प्रभु से पूछे किस विधि पाऊँ तोहे प्रभु कहे तु मन को पा ले, पा जायेगा मोहे तोरा मन दर्पण कहलाये तोरा मन दर्पण कहलाये भले बुरे सारे कर्मों को, देखे और दिखाये

बस इतनी तमन्ना


Motivational Song || सफ़र कितना भी मुश्किल हो || Tejbir singh || Rajeev A...


अब सौंप दिया इस जीवन का सब भार तुम्हारे हाथों में


रोज 1 ग्राम ही काफी है घुटनों में दर्द, थायराइड, पुरानी कब्ज, गंजेपन, मो...


यह पत्ता ढूढें सिर्फ एक दिन में जोड़ों में दर्द से राहत 15 दिन में हमेशा...


पेट की चर्बी तेजी से ख़त्म करने के लिए चमत्कारी उपचार| MAGICAL SLIMMING ...


Maa Durga Wallpaper, images, photos


Knee Pain Treatment at Home -How to Treat Knee Pain by Sachin Goyal (Hin...


Brand New Design of Ladies Half Jacket Easy Tutorial | Fashion Design |...


गर्दन, कंधे की बीमारी से मुक्ति , जीवनभर नहीं होगा, सरवाइकल, स्पोंडिलोसि...


Suvichar - He Prabhu.. Pray(Hindi Quotes)सुविचार - हे प्रभु.. प्रार्थन...


हर रोज यह भजन सुनना.. कितने भी निराश क्यू न हो फ्रेश हो जाओगे.... Best


भयंकर सर्दी जुकाम कमजोरी और बीमारी रहेगी कोसो दूर एनर्जी भरपूर जब खाओगे ...


बच्चों के लिए गेहू के आटे का इतना टेस्टी नाश्ता जिसे पहले से बनाये 5 मिन...


छुट्टियों में है नाश्ते की टेंशन तो बनाये बिना तेल पोहे का टेस्टी हेल्दी...


बाजार का खाने से लगे डर तो सिर्फ 3 चीज़ो से आलू का नया Tasty नाश्ता जिसे ...


जब कुछ हल्का मीठा खाने का मन तो बनायें सिर्फ दूध से 10मिनट में ये टेस्टी...


घर से निकलना हो मुश्किल बनाये आलू साबूदाने का कुरकुरा व्रत नाश्ता जो सब ...


एकदम सस्ता 2 चीज़ो से बनाये Homemade Disinfectant Spray घर के हर सामान से...


बाजार का खाने से लगे डर तो सिर्फ 3 चीज़ो से आलू का नया Tasty नाश्ता जिसे ...


Bath Sponge & Q-tips painting technique / How to draw Romantic Couple be...


Aluminum painting technique / How to draw a dancing girl under moonlight


Rog Nashak mantra in sanskrit || रोग नाशक मंत्र || रोगानशेषानपहंसि तुष्ट...


Corona के कहर नहीं खगोलीय पिंड से तबाही, क्या सच में खत्म होने जा रही है दुनिया


ऐसे बजी तालियां और थालियां


कोरोना : आनंद विहार बस अड्डे पर सवारियों से खचाखच भरी दिखी बस


Corona Patients के लिए आगे आये Hollywood celebs, बॉलीवुड सितारे कब खोलें...


कोरोना से प्रभावित गरीबों के लिए बड़ा ऐलान, 8 लाख लोगों को मिलेगी पेंशन


35 से भी ज्यादा देशों में लॉकडाउन, भारत में कई राज्य अब कर्फ्यू की ओर


लॉकडाउन की दिल्ली से ग्राउंड रिपोर्ट


लॉकडाउन के बाद दिल्ली में कर्फ्यू की तैयारी


कोरोना का कर्फ्यू, 3 महीने बाद शाहीन बाग से उठे प्रदर्शनकारी


Coronavirus: लॉक्डाउन नहीं माना तो पाक पुलिस ने बनाया मुर्गा


Coronavirus को लेकर चीन का नया दावा, इटली से फैला है संक्रमण


लॉकडाउन में दिल्ली के ITO से ताजा हालात, पुलिस चेक कर रही ID कार्ड


COVID-19 से मुकाबले के लिए India तैयार, सुनिए विदेश से लौटे छात्र की जुबानी


Bandipora में 3 ड्रग तस्करों को पुलिस ने दबोचा, नशील दवाओं की खेप जब्त


कोरोना वायरस से बचना है तो डॉक्टर की ये बड़ी बातें जरूर सुनें


Corona Virus Home Remedies: कोरोना वायरस से बचने के घरेलू उपाय, Coronavi...


जनता कर्फ्यू से आपको होंगे 8 लाभ, देखिए वीडियो

how Fomites are a source of infection even in isolation

Please see what is Fomites??? And how Fomites are a source of infection to us even in isolation??? *Please see the Video.... dont miss.* Must share — Roop Darak (@iRupND) March 22, 2020

#Corona | मुंबई में 50% बाजार बंद, संदिग्ध ने बिल्डिंग से कूदकर जान दी, देखें बड़ी खबरें

इंसानी संपर्क में वायरस के जिंदा होने के राज

... If Agniveer were to list the top two nuisances in India, it would undoubtedly be birth-based caste system and gender discrimination. Yes, India is plagued by a plethora of challenges today – corruption, fundamentalism, terrorism, conversions, moral degradation, lack of education, health issues, sanitation problems and so many more. But despite all these problems and threats, the top two – by a wide margin – would remain casteism and gender discrimination... Read more: Scholar: Manu Smriti never supported caste system; politicians, reformists, activists, others quoted its "fake" version

कोरोना पे भविष्यवाणी

10 हजार वर्ष पहले कोरोना पर हुई भविष्यवाणी का सच ।

क्या 29 अप्रैल को होने जा रहा है धरती का अन्त

We've seen some incorrect stories on #asteroid 2002 PZ39 circulating. The trajectory of this asteroid is very well known. It will safely pass Earth at a distance of 5.77 million km (3.59 million miles), about 15 times the distance of the Moon. — Asteroid Watch (@AsteroidWatch) February 13, 2020 On April 29. asteroid 1998 OR2 will safely pass Earth by 3.9 million miles/6.2 million km. A @Daily_Express article implying there is a "warning" about this asteroid is false. A complete listing of all asteroid passes is always public at . Carry on! — Asteroid Watch (@AsteroidWatch) March 4, 2020

ISKCON Sydney, Sri Sri Radha Gopinath Mandir Live Stream


कोरोना को लेकर पीएम मोदी का बड़ा एलान Live! PM Modi’s address to the nation


जिसे आप खा सकते हैं ECO Friendly Disposable Plates

These Biodegradable disposable plates can be use in any kind of parties and events , which is made of "atta and gur".

How to Know if you have HIV or AIDS | Diagnosis & Treatment | Dr.Educati...


When to do tests | Who really needs a Mask | Report Nonsense Videos | Dr...


INDIA CLOSED! 200 times spread expected - Understand how to stop a Pande...


ਕੋਰੋਨਾ ਦਾ ਇਲਾਜ ਨਾ ਲੱਬੋ | Don't Look for CURE | Dr.Paramjeet Explains in...


Nocebo effect of scary News : Worldwide Panic increases viral Death rate...


भरोसा किसपे करोगे | Who do you follow? when it comes to Health | Dr.Educ...


CORONAVIRUS का डॉक्टर आपके अंदर ही बैठा है | Subah Saraf


Bishnupriya_Manipuri follow the vedic directions in their life

Beware! Reinfection possible even after cure | Hot Weather Will NOT Stop...


India Under Community Surveillance | Understand what is a Quarantine | D...


चेतावनी! गलत जानकारी से भरा व्हाट्सप्प Top 19 Viral Myths on whatsapp D...


स्कूल कॉलेज मेट्रो मॉल नहीं बंद करते तो क्या होता | If NO Social Distanc...


बेवकूफ मत बनो | Don't wear MASKS everywhere, Stop watching News & Read W...


युवा वर्ग पर नशे का प्रभाव। किक के स्थान पर ब्रेक का प्रयोग

Prithviraj Movie में इतिहास से हो रही छेड़छाड़ ? Karni sena और Akshay ku...


BJP ने इस बार चुनावी अभियान के लिए नहीं देश के लिए लिया बड़ा फैसला !


Bihar में Election से पहले RJD को बड़ा झटका, अकेले पड़े तेजस्वी


Facebook ke Superheroes | Funniest people on Facebook | san ki roast


Sab Kuch SCRIPTED || NEHA DHUPIA || san ki roast


IT'S HER CHOICE || Neha Dhupia || san ki roast




Coronavirus: Why the next 30 days are extremely important for India

Soch 166K subscribers Many medical experts have popularised the phrase “Flattening the curve”. What does that mean? And why would that decide which direction India goes in its fight against Covid-19? Watch in this video

Come, Let's Talk About It : mental health, Suicidal thoughts

Rishabh Rana In this video, I talk about mental health. I am no expert on this. These all are my views and opinions on the basis of my experience and study. Correct me if I am wrong in the comment section. Be Savage :P ...

BB Ki Vines HUGE ANNOUNCEMENT | BB Vs Ashish Chanchlani, Amit Bhadana, R...


Neha Dhupia Vs Karan Kapoor Roadies SCRIPTED?! - Bong Guy | Triggered In...


CarryMinati Vs Mortal NEW CHALLENGE? Tanmay Bhat | Nikhil Chinapa Respon...


Raftaar, CarryMinati, Hindustani Bhau On Neha Dhupia Roadies - Its Her C...


Uncovering Hypocrisy of Neha Dhupia's Open Letter and Support from Bolly...

PeepOye Fame This is a 'MUST WATCH' video and Part 2 of 'Destroying the pseudo feminists Neha Dhupia and Nikhil Chinapa video' that not only uncovers the hypocrisy of the open letter by Neha Dhupia that got support from various Bollywood Stars and Top Celebrities but also concludes #itsherchoice controversy for good but not without something that is pending to be done & very important to fathom. If you think this video added any value whether social or from an entertainment perspective, do like, share & hit Subscribe button with bell icon pressed for instant notifications. Add Akash Bhai here: Instagram:



How MTV is destroying Indian youth || MTV EXPOSED || Time to STOP


Raftaar & Hindustani Bhau React on Neha Dhupia | Ashish Chanchlani Angry...


Fake feminism doesn't strengthen our culture and unity rather it poisons it slowly.Let us learn how:

Reply To Neha Dhupia | Its Her Choice | Fake Feminism | Aawaz Hindustan Ki


Gender Inequality | How To Use Boys |Fake Feminism | Neha Dhupia It's Her Choice Mtv Roadies Exposed


Neha Dhupia Fake feminism | Gender Inequality | Hypocrisy at it's best | MTV ROADIES | CHINAPA

Destroying Pseudo Feminists Neha Dhupia and Nikhil Chinapa (MTV Roadies ...


सामने आया #Neha Dhupia का दोमुहा चेहरा | Fake Feminist


Neha Dhupia || IT'S HER CHOICE || Fake Feminist SPOTTED!!!

CORONAVIRUS से खुद को कैसे बचाएं? | कोरोनोवायरस के 5 कड़वे सच | Coronavi...

Abstract Thimerosal is a preservative used in multidose vials of vaccine formulations to prevent bacterial and fungal contamination. We recently reported that nanomolar concentrations of thimerosal induce cell cycle arrest of human T cells activated via the TCR and inhibition of proinflammatory cytokine production, thus interfering with T-cell functions Read more: Thimerosal compromises human dendritic cell maturation, IL-12 production, chemokine release, and T-helper polarization.
Efficient T cell responses require the firm adhesion of T cells to their targets, e.g., virus-infected cells, which depends on T cell receptor (TCR)–mediated activation of β2-integrins. Gαs-coupled receptor agonists are known to have immunosuppressive effects, but their impact on TCR-mediated integrin activation is unknown. Read more : Gαs-coupled receptor signaling and sleep regulate integrin activation of human antigen-specific T cells
When people get sick with viral or bacterial infections, they often lose their appetite or avoid certain foods. According to a new Yale study, such sickness-related food preferences may correlate with the type of infection and the type of diet the body requires to fight the infection. The study findings could have implications for how doctors treat patients with acute infections, the researchers said. Read more: Listening to the body: Study examines the effects of fasting on infections
Abstract L-ascorbic acid (vitamin C) is one of the well-known anti-viral agents, especially to influenza virus. Since the in vivo anti-viral effect is still controversial, we investigated whether vitamin C could regulate influenza virus infection in vivo by using Gulo (-/-) mice, which cannot synthesize vitamin C like humans. First, we found that vitamin C-insufficient Gulo (-/-) mice expired within 1 week after intranasal inoculation of influenza virus (H3N2/Hongkong). Full story : Vitamin C Is an Essential Factor on the Anti-viral Immune Responses through the Production of Interferon-α/β at the Initial Stage of Influenza A Virus (H3N2) Infection
Abstract Maintaining a normal healthy immune defense system lowers the incidence and/or the severity of symptoms and/or the duration of common cold (CC). Physical barriers and innate and adaptive immunity have been involved during a CC episode. Vitamins C and D, zinc, and Echinacea have evidence-based efficacy on these immune system barriers. This review includes 82 eligible studies to consider the preventive role of these nutrients in immune clusters and in CC to provide advice on dosage and assumption of these nutrients. Full story: Self-Care for Common Colds: The Pivotal Role of Vitamin D, Vitamin C, Zinc, and Echinacea in Three Main Immune Interactive Clusters (Physical Barriers, Innate and Adaptive Immunity) Involved during an Episode of Common Colds—Practical Advice on Dosages and on the Time to Take These Nutrients/Botanicals in order to Prevent or Treat Common Colds
SEOUL, South Korea, July 26, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- Kimchi, a well-known traditional fermented Korean food, is highly effective in preventing influenza virus in winter, according to the results of cell·animal experiments. - Kimchi has the greatest antiviral effect when it is the most delicious (best fermentation periods). - When the SARS epidemic swept China, some argued that kimchi had safeguarded Koreans against the epidemic. Read more : Kimchi, a well-known traditional fermented Korean food, has proven effective against influenza virus
For many years, chiropractors have observed in their own practices that their patients sometimes demonstrate improvements of complaints related to immune problems: the disappearance or lessening of allergy symptoms, quicker recovery from or less frequent and severe colds and other respiratory infections, and so on. Read more : Immune Responses to Spinal Manipulation

Redefining the Impact of Exercise on Immunological Health Across the Lifespan

Abstract Epidemiological evidence indicates that regular physical activity and/or frequent structured exercise reduces the incidence of many chronic diseases in older age, including communicable diseases such as viral and bacterial infections, as well as non-communicable diseases such as cancer and chronic inflammatory disorders. Full story: Debunking the Myth of Exercise-Induced Immune Suppression: Redefining the Impact of Exercise on Immunological Health Across the Lifespan
Science News Date: December 20, 2016 Source: Georgetown University Medical Center Summary: Sunlight, through a mechanism separate than vitamin D production, energizes T cells that play a central role in human immunity, researchers have found. The findings suggest how the skin, the body’s largest organ, stays alert to the many microbes that can nest there. Read full story:  Sunlight offers surprise benefit: It energizes infection fighting T cells

How to Protect Yourself Against the Coronavirus


Medically Speaking - कुत्ते मैं तेरा खून पी जाऊँगा




Dr. Biswaroop Roy Chowdhury discussing shocking Side effects of blood donation/transfusion causing death


Corona Puzzle Solved


क्या होम्योपैथिक की दवाई से कोरोना का इलाज संभव है? | ABP News Hindi


घर के Kitchen में पायें Corona Virus से बचने के उपाय | Pawan Sinha Guruji


Coronavirus से बचने के सबसे आसान उपाय! Sumit Awasthi | ABP News Hindi


Khurshid Malik Interview about CM Yogi Government | Headlines India


DNA: India को Coronavirus के चैलेंज का विश्लेषण | Coronavirus Scare


सच्चाई का सेंसेक्स: शराब से Coronavirus के इलाज का क्या है वायरल सच? ...


5 स्पेशलिस्ट डॉक्टरों से जानिए Corona की बीमारी क्या है और इलाज क्या है ...


Iran में फसे 234 भारतीयों को India वापिस लाया गया | Coronavirus News | I...


क्या Ayurveda में Corona की 'काट' मौजूद है? Baba Ramdev से सुनिए


Coronavirus से बचाव पर Baba Ramdev ने क्या कहा? | COVID-19 | Coronavirus...


कोरोना वायरस से बचने के लिए ये चीज अवश्य करें। आचार्य श्री किरीट ...

France’s Health Minister has today issued advice not to take anti-inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen or cortisone to treat the possible symptoms of Covid-19 as these could actually worsen the infection. Read more:  Covid-19: 'Ibuprofen can worsen infection' 
French minister says patients should take paracetamol rather than ibuprofen or cortisone Read more:  Anti-inflammatories may aggravate Covid-19, France advises

ताबीज से कोरोना रोकने का दावा करने वाला ताबीज़ बाबा( अहमद सिद्दीक़ी) गिरफ़्तार

लखनऊ: कोरोना रोकने के नाम पर 11 रूपए का ताबीज देकर कर रहा था ठगी, मो. अहमद सिद्दीकी गिरफ्तार @lkopolice @LkoCp @Uppolice — Breaking TUBE News (@BreakingTUBE) March 15, 2020 लखनऊ में 11 रुपए के ताबीज से कोरोना रोकने का दावा करने वाला ताबीज़ बाबा( अहमद सिद्दीक़ी) गिरफ़्तार। सीएमओ की शिकायत के बाद अहमद सिद्दीकी को पुलिस ने किया गिरफ्तार। #Coronaindia — Deepak Chaurasia (@DChaurasia2312) March 15, 2020

Study of CIMAP related to Use of cow urine for curing Cancer

Council of Scientific and Industrial Research(CSIR) has reported that its constituent laboratory namely Central Institute of Medicinal & Aromatic Plants (CIMAP), Lucknow in a study undertaken in collaboration with Go-Vigyan Anusandhan Kendra, Nagpur have found novel use of cow urine distillate (commonly known as Kamdhenu Ark) as activity enhancer and availability facilitator for bioactive molecules including anti-infective and anti-cancer agents. Cow urine distillate was found to possess the property of bio-enhancement of an anti-cancer natural agent `Taxol` (paclitaxel) which is produced in microscopic amounts by the Yew tree (Taxus spp.). Cow urine distillate, besides enhancing the killing activities of different antibiotics on bacteria, could also enhance the cell division inhibitory activity of paclitaxel against the breast cancer cell line MCF-7. Further, a white crystalline precipitate prepared from the cow urine distillate also showed similar activity as that of cow urine d...

16 मार्च बड़ा सोमवार शीतला अष्टमी गाय को खिला दें ये 1 चीज मिलेगी ...


आज संपदा माता की चौथी कथा सुनने मात्र से ही होंगी सभी मनोकामनाएं पूरी हर...


आज चैत्र मास सकट चौथ की कथा सुनने मात्र से सभी बिगड़े काम बनते चले जाएंग...


Sheetla mata puja 2020 बासोडा 2020 मुहूर्त | Basoda 2020 | Sheetala asht...


14 मार्च बड़ा शनिवार खरमास चुपचाप यहां डाल दे तेल चमक जाएगा आपका भाग्य स...


आज से शुरू खरमास / पुरषोत्तम मास करें ये छोटा सा काम जो चाहोगे वो मिलेगा...


शीतला अष्टमी 2020 महत्व, पूजा विधि, नियम, क्या खाएं, क्या ना खाएं, क्या ...


15 मार्च बड़ा रविवार सूर्य देव को जल चढ़ाने वाले लोटे में डाल दे ये 1 ची...


आज शीतला माता की कथा सुनने मात्र से ही होंगी सभी मनोकामनाएं पूरी हर कष्ट...


Live : Maha Mantra Hare Rama Hare krishna // kon khte hain bhagwaan aate...


shri ji bhakti media Live Stream


సూర్యభగవుని అనుగ్రహం కోసం వినాల్సిన పాటలు | Suryabhagavan Songs | Bhakthi Live




The uses and benefits of Cow's Urine (Gomutra Ark)

Learn Ayurveda Dr. Korde explains how Ayurveda has recommended and used Goumutra Arrack or distilled cow’s urine for cleansing and healing. Its various anti-bacterial and medicinal properties make it suitable for treating a range of disorders such as kidneys, liver, cardiac disorders, rheumotoid arthritis, and swelling and weight gain. The uses and benefits of Cow's Urine (Gomutra Ark) terminally ill with renal failure, reduce creatinine level, liver disorders, alcohol cirrhosis, weight loss, hyperlipidemia wherein the cholesterol and triglycerides levels are very high, swelling of the body of any kind, external application in case of disorders like weeping eczema, disorders of swelling wherein the blood flow is very reduced to a particular area, child hepatomegaly splenomegaly, cadiac disorders irregular heartbeat, arrhythmia, rheumatoid arthritis, medicated enema, systemic lupus erythematosus, a person having lot of problems because of weight because of consuming a lot ...
flörtüm ile son durum 😂 — A D A N A L I Y A R G I D AĞ I T I Y O R👻 (@okaganbukagan) March 12, 2020
Buenas noches — gerarmendieta (@Gerarmendieta) March 10, 2020
"You’re not drunk if you can lie on the floor without holding on.” — B@$$ 🛡 (@24onlinee) March 12, 2020
Okul tatil haberini alan gençler anlık #okullartatil #Covid_19 #SeyircisizLig — Emel!!&A ♥️♠️♦️♣️hem nazara hem limitlerr gelen (@asabi1sirin) March 12, 2020
' I can handle it " — B@$$ 🛡 (@24onlinee) January 18, 2020
'Why is it important to wash your hands ? — B@$$ 🛡 (@24onlinee) March 13, 2020
#CoronaVirusUpdates Ministry of health Saudi Arabia released small video, how the virus spread — Vinod (@Vinod21476011) March 14, 2020
#CoronaVirusUpdates Homemade mask for our safety — Vinod (@Vinod21476011) March 14, 2020
On Wednesday the Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen announced extraordinary measures to contain the coronavirus in Denmark, which had grown ten-fold in 3 days Read more Broadband Networks Reduce Challenge Of Living Under Coronavirus Lockdown
DENMARK is set to close its borders tomorrow in a bid to halt the spread of  deadly coronavirus. Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen said the new virus measures are only temporary. Read more Denmark on coronavirus lockdown with borders to close and people warned to stay in their homes
8 pm: American Airlines pilot tests positve for COVID-19 An Dallas/Fort Worth-based American Airlines pilot has tested positive for coronavirus, the airline says, the first known case of a pilot with the illness among U.S. airlines Read more : Coronavirus updates: France shutters schools, New York bans gatherings over 500
If you think things have gotten bad in the United States — where St. Patrick's Day parades have been canceled, and the NBA is suspended for the rest of the season — just wait until you hear about Norway. Read more The entire country of Norway is 'shutting down'
The government has evacuated its nationals from various coronavirus hotspots across the world. Most of them have been quarantined at the Manesar quarantine facility and the one established by Indo-Tibetan Border Police (ITBP) in Chhawla, near Delhi. Read more Coronavirus update: Indian national evacuated from Italy with 82, tests positive for Covid-19
The problem came up after some people, who were part of a group of 83 brought from Italy via an Air India flight, demanded individual rooms upon reaching the Manesar facility on Wednesday morning. Some of these people who were brought to the facility had initially refused to deboard a bus they were brought in. There was ruckus at the facility. Read more at: Army faces new problem at its coronavirus quarantine facility at Manesar
Almost 200 people died from the coronavirus in 24 hours, Italy's Civil Protection Agency confirmed Wednesday — the highest daily increase in absolute terms registered anywhere in the world since the respiratory illness emerged in China at the end of last year. Read more Italy confirms almost 200 deaths in 24 hours
हाईलाइट  दुनियाभर के बड़े नेताओं को भी सता रहा कोरोनावायरस का डर  हाथ मिलाने की बजाय कर रहे हैं नमस्ते  डोनाल्ड ट्रंप और आयरलैंड के पीएम लियो वराडकर ने एक दूसरे को किया नमस्ते और पढ़ें :  कोरोनावायरस का भय: ट्रंप और आयरलैंड के PM वराडकर ने एक दूसरे को किया नमस्ते
पूर्व मुख्य चुनाव आयुक्त एसवाई कुरैशी ने ट्विटर पर अप्रत्यक्ष रूप से पीएम के कोरोना वायरस से संक्रमित होने की कामना की। जब इसके लिए आलोचना शुरू हुई तो उन्होंने ट्वीट डिलीट कर माफी मॉंग ली। उनका कहना है कि ऐसा गलत बटन दबने के कारण हुआ और पढ़ें: पूर्व CEC कुरैशी की ‘दुआ’- PM मोदी को हो जाए कोरोना: विवाद के बाद ट्वीट डिलीट, मॉंगी माफी
A 76-year-old man from Karnataka’s Kalaburagi became the first victim of the deadly pandemic in India. He has been confirmed positive for COVID-19, state Health Minister B Sriramulu confirmed on Thursday night. According to the reports, in an official notification, a senior health official Dr Suresh Shastri said that the lab test has confirmed that the deceased man had COVID-19. Previously, the doctors had suspected that the man had coronavirus, however, the test had not confirmed it. Read more Coronavirus: 76-year-old who died in Karnataka had COVID-19, relatives had shifted him to private hospital without doctor’s knowledge
I would like to propose that the leadership of SAARC nations chalk out a strong strategy to fight Coronavirus. We could discuss, via video conferencing, ways to keep our citizens healthy. Together, we can set an example to the world, and contribute to a healthier planet. — Narendra Modi (@narendramodi) March 13, 2020
A family in Meerut’s Panchli Khurd village is planning to leave the village and go away after facing repeated harassment in their Muslim majority neighbourhood. As per a report in Jagran, the family’s pet dog was recently beaten to death by their neighbours. Read more Hindu family in Meerut plans to leave the village after neighbours kill their pet dog, harass them: Report
Excavation work undertaken at the site in the wake of the coronavirus outbreak was clearly different from the burial practices of the past. The coronavirus pandemic has resulted in such massive casualties in Iran that two vast trenches of 100 metres that are now visible from space were dug at the Behesht-e Masoumeh complex in Qom Read more: Vast Burial pits dug in Iran’s Qom due to massive coronavirus casualties now visible from the space
With the outbreak of the deadly COVID-19 coronavirus in Italy, social media has been abuzz with news that the patient zero in Italy has been identified as a Pakistani immigrant who refused to self-isolate. Read more:   Fact-check: Did Coronavirus spread in Italy due to a Pakistani or due to ‘hug a Chinese’ campaign?
Eduardo, the son of Jair Bolsonaro, tweeted that his father was not showing any symptoms of the deadly disease but added that they were awaiting the results. Read more  US President Donald Trump to not undergo coronavirus test after meeting infected Brazilian official
The man had recently returned from Saudi Arabia and Karnataka officials had till yesterday denied that his death was due to coronavirus. Read more India’s first coronavirus death is confirmed in Karnataka
The Supreme Court on Wednesday refused to hear controversial foreign-funded ‘activist’ Harsh Mander’s plea till he clarifies on his hate speech and his comments against the Supreme Court. The Supreme Court slammed the controversial ‘activist’ after his controversial hate speech inciting people to hit the streets was submitted to the apex court. Read more When Harsh Mander's lawyer sought time to verify the speech, the solicitor general said, it is strange that Mander wants time for verifying his own speech but wants FIRs against everyone else immediately
A new report by a French lawyer claims that one in five judges that have sat on the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) in the last decade had ties to a network of social justice organisations led by George Soros. Read more  France Must Disobey European Court of Human Rights, Le Pen Says After Soros ‘Ties’ to Judges Exposed
A study by the European Center for Law and Justice in Strasbourg has revealed several conflicts of interest between judges at the European Court of Human Rights and NGOs funded by George Soros. Read more Credibility of European Court of Human Rights lies in ruins after judges’ links to Soros revealed

Europe’s top court, the European Court of Human Rights

March 11, 2020 (LifeSiteNews) — A new report from the European Centre for Law & Justice (ECLJ) has shown that numerous judges at Europe’s top court, the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR), have previously worked closely either with George Soros’s Open Society Foundation (OSF) or for another NGO funded by the OSF. In the past 10 years, these judges have sat on at least 88 cases where their former NGO was involved. Read more Report shows former employees of leftist Soros now judging old employer in court cases

deepārādhana for bhagavān sri venkateswara

In case you need a reminder about how utterly stupid some literate people exist even today.

मृत परिजन को सपनें में देखना Sapne Mein Mrit Parijan Ko Dekhne ka arth मरे हुए लोगों का सपने में आना


आज दशा माता की पहली कहानी सुनिए | मिलेगी बुरे समय से मुक्ति हर कष्ट दूर करेगी दशा माता


11 मार्च बड़ा बुधवार गाय को खिला दें ये 1 चीज बनेगे सारे बिगड़े काम घर में आएगी सुख-समृद्धि और शांति


आज दशा माता की द्वितीय कथा सुनने मात्र से ही मिलेगी हर कष्ट दूर करेगी दशा माता dasha mata ki dusri kahani


बड़ा गुरुवार यहां डाल दे थोड़े से चावल बनेंगे सारे बिगड़े काम मिलेगी कष्टों से मुक्ति


आज दशा माता की तीसरी कथा सुनने मात्र से ही मिलेगा फल Dasha Mata Katha Hindi | dasha mata ki kahani


बड़ा गुरुवार चतुर्थी 1 चुटकी हल्दी से करें ये छोटा सा काम हर कष्ट दूर करेंगे भगवान विष्णु गणेश


13 मार्च बड़ा शुक्रवार घर के दरवाजे पर रख ले ये 1 चीज गरीबी भूल जाएगी घर...


बासोडा शीतला माता की यह कथा, होंगी सभी मनोकामनाएं पूरी | बसोडा की कथा


Today Breaking News ! आज 11 मार्च 2020 के मुख्य समाचार बड़ी खबरें, PM Mo...


कोरोनावायरस : चीन, जापान, इटली के बाद अब पाकिस्तान में Corona virus का क...


1 अप्रैल 2020 से बदल रहे हैं 15 नए नियम, BS4 BS6 बैंक, GST, पेट्रोल डीज़...


Today Breaking News ! आज 12 मार्च 2020 के मुख्य समाचार बड़ी खबरें, PM Mo...


छत्रपति शिवाजी ने मुगलों से युद्ध के दौरान अद्भुत प्रबंधन क्षमता दिखाई थी

1660 में अली आदिलशाह ने अपने जनरल सिद्धि जौहर को छत्रपति शिवाजी के साथ लड़ने के लिए भेजा था। 1660 के मध्य में सिद्धि जौहर ने पन्हाला किले को घेर लिया। छत्रपति शिवाजी उस वक्त किले में ही थे। और पढ़ें वो शिवा जिसने शिवाजी की जान बचाने के लिए ख़ुद का बलिदान दिया: जब 300 मराठों ने 1 लाख की फ़ौज को हराया

Aryan Invasion Theory: A Myth or Reality? | Dabur Red Paste Arth 2019


सरकार ने दी Coronavirus से बचने की दवाई, 06 गोली 03 दिन | Ministry of Ay...


Coronavirus की Inside Story! | Vardaat with Shams Tahir Khan


China को मिल गयी Coronavirus की Medicine ? | Tez Special Report


Rangrasiya रंगरसिया: Colours Of Holi With Aajtak होली के रंग... आजतक के ...


DNA: Jammu में ज़मीन के 'इस्लामीकरण' का DNA टेस्ट | Sudhir Chaudhary


EP25: योगी सरकार, सिंधिया और दंगे पर ज्ञान, आधा सत्य | Half truth on Yog...


AajTak Live TV | Aaj Tak | Hindi News | Latest News | Breaking News 24x7...


HARYANVI FAAG....(चंद्रावल गांव , जिला फतेहाबाद)


Nonstop News |आज की ताजा खबरें| News Headlines | 12 March | mausam vibha...


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Zee News Live: BJP में Jyotiraditya की Entry, MP में 'महाराजा' का इंतजार...


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DNA: Non Stop News, March 09, 2020 | Sudhir Chaudhary | DNA ZEE NEWS


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Aaj Ki Baat With Rajat Sharma,11th March 2020: दिल्ली दंगे पर एक-एक सवाल...


Kamal Nath की सरकार गिरने और बचाने का पूरा समीकरण समझिए | ABP News Hindi


Baba Ramdev से जानिए Coronavirus से बचाव के उपाय, देखिए कोरोना पर 'रामदे...


Aaj Ki Baat With Rajat Sharma, 10 March 2020: एमपी में सियासी भूचाल का प...

Shri Kanchi Kamakoti Peetadhipathi Shri Shankara Vijayendra Saraswathi Swamigal have Blessed & Honoured Dr.Subramanian Swamy & Presented Memento to Dr.Swamy at the Sri Chandrasekharendra Saraswathi Viswa Mahavidyalaya University Convocation on 5.3.2020. @Swamy39 @jagdishshetty — Karur.VN.Mohan (@karurvnmohan) March 12, 2020
College is a place where we enjoy with frnds... But when i saw Chhatrapati Shivray Palanquin and The energetic sound of dhol n Tasha, couldn't resist myself! Unforgettable day of college!🚩 — Monika Gole (@gole_monika) March 10, 2020
@bishnoikuldeep My shocking experience with discrimination at Kylin and Ivy, Ambience Vasant Kunj this evening. Denied entry as ethnic wear is not allowed! A restaurant in India allows ‘smart casuals’ but not Indian wear! Whatever happened to pride in being Indian? Take a stand! — Sangeeta K Nag (@sangeetaknag) March 10, 2020

सभी मनुष्यों को भगवान श्री राम का संदेश

सभी मनुष्य को भगवान श्री राम का संदेश #जय_श्रीराम 🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩 — Ritesh Desai 🇮🇳 (@riteshadesai) March 9, 2020
hotel sai regency room 205 mahabaleshwar,i found dis in my room,by hidden camera detector app i found dis as hidden camera,i call hotel staff and asked them they said "agar police bulaya to shi wapis nai ja paoge yha se" @maha_tourism @AUThackeray @MumbaiPolice — Ravi saini (@rsravisaini) March 10, 2020
A Delhi man badly injured in stone-pelting when returning from office, told me he ordered his son to drink haldi-doodh, wear a helmet, go to terrace and hit back at mob attacking their colony - by pelting their stones back at them. Does it turn attack on colony into "clashes"? — Swati Goel Sharma (@swati_gs) March 11, 2020
I went today to the Victoria and Albert Museum here in London and came back sad. My country's cultural wealth. This is the golden Throne of Maharaja Ranjeet Singh on display. — R.S. Bains (@HerrBains) March 10, 2020
Jyotiraditya Scindia: I would like to thank JP Nadda ji, PM Narendra Modi, Home Minister Amit Shah that they invited me to their family and gave me a place in it. — ANI (@ANI) March 11, 2020
Men are always so concerned about well being of women. The lady here is playing with fire and see whose heart has melted 🔥 — Arun Bothra (@arunbothra) March 11, 2020
When the President warns of a potential threat, he’s labeled a “fear-monger.” When the President is optimistic and hopeful that a deadly virus will go away, he’s accused of downplaying the threat. If he says nothing, then he “doesn’t care about USA.” Nothing makes them happy. — Imam of Peace (@Imamofpeace) March 11, 2020
"Namaste" is a Global practice now.😊🙏 Prince Charles is seen greeting people with Namaste infact he is telling others to do it too..🙂🙏 World knows its importance now.🙏 @sgurumurthy @OGSaffron @ShefVaidya @rvaidya2000 @ranganaathan @Gopalee67 @rangats @AgentSaffron @astitvam — Adarsh Hegde (@adarshhgd) March 10, 2020
OTHER THAN PEACE, ONLY COLOURS PREVAIL 🎨❤💛💚💙💜 People seem to have enjoyed the festive spirits contentedly so far. On patrol at Madipur, & Moti Nagar , a mix population area . Life's moving as it should be on Holi. @ani @CPDelhi @HMOIndia — DCP West Delhi (@DCPWestDelhi) March 10, 2020
Distribution of sweets to Policemen on duty. It's an important way to acknowledge their commitment. @DelhiPolice @CPDelhi @LtGovDelhi — DCP New Delhi (@DCPNewDelhi) March 10, 2020
@CPDelhi Sir met with the staff of South District and @dtptraffic on Holi Arrangement duty @LtGovDelhi @DelhiPolice — DCP South Delhi (@DCPSouthDelhi) March 10, 2020
Foot patrolling by senior officers led by Spl CP L&O(S) Sir and Jt CP SR Sir in vulnerable areas during Holi arrangement @CPDelhi @LtGovDelhi @DelhiPolice — DCP South Delhi (@DCPSouthDelhi) March 10, 2020
High on Duty, High on Morale when Head of Family @CPDelhi met and distributed sweets to his police, his force. #WellcelebratedHoli2020 ! @DelhiPolice — DCP South East Delhi (@DCPSEastDelhi) March 10, 2020