How the Real-Life Drama of the Brahmin and Sanskrit Hatred of Caldwell Appa’s Brood Unfolded


Second part of The Dharma Dispatch Series tracing the calculated destruction of Sanskrit by Dravidianists in Tamil Nadu

Sandeep Balakrishna

"When we think of ourselves as Sudras, we accept ourselves as the sons of prostitutes." That was E.V. Ramaswami Naicker[1], The fact that he is still hailed as “Periyar” (The Elder or Respected One) is more reflective of a celebration of the all-round destruction he inflicted upon Tamil Nadu than anything that remotely resembles decency or constructive contribution to Tamil Nadu or its culture. One look at the broad history of Tamil cinema offers innumerable and continuing proofs of this fact. Ramaswami Naicker achieved his perverse triumphs with greater speed and success where his senior and junior contemporaries had failed because he employed a simple device that these folks were hesitant to use: the brazen use of violent and obscene language in public... 


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