
200 Chinese workers infected with Dengue

Abhishek Shukla 153K subscribers At least 235 Chinese workers have recently been diagnosed with the dengue virus in Karachi. These workers were working at Pakistani's nuclear sites

Did Subhas Chandra Bose Really Die in the Plane Crash? - Purabi Roy - Talk-39

Centre for Indic Studies 17.7K subscribers In this Indic Talk, Purabi Roy grapples with one of the most enduring questions of modern Indian history: Did Netaji die in the plane crash of 1945? Based on extensive archival research, Roy argues that the plane crash theory is invalidated by the contemporary reports of British intelligence officers. Furthermore, Roy deals with questions like what happened to the wealth of the INA?, Where was Netaji after the second world war? This talk promises to reignite an old and important controversy surrounding the death of one of the tallest public figures of modern India.

Why So Many Chinese Students Come to America


Pakistan Zero Day: What happens if Pakistan Goes Bankrupt? | NewsX

NewsX 380K subscribers Pakistan Zero Day: What happens if Pakistan Goes Bankrupt? | NewsX #PakistanZeroDay #PakEconomy #NewsX Subscribe to our Channel : Watch More Videos: For More information on this News Visit: Follow on Social Media : Pakistan, Pakistan Zero Day, Pakistan Goes Bankrupt, pakistan economy, pakistan bankrupt, imran khan, pakistan crisis, pakistan crisis latest, pakistan economy collapse, pakistan economy collapse 2019, pakistan imran khan, latest news, pakistan collapse, loc trade route, cross loc trade, india pakistan trade, india pakistan trade suspended, Pakistan Stares at Zero Day, Pakistan going bankrupt, Pakistan Goes Bankrupt, Pakistan is bankrupt, pakistan economy crisis, pakistan economy 2019, pakistan economy latest, pakistan economy crisis 2019, Pakistan Bankrupt Economy, pakistan fin...

Leaders from Bhutanese Hindus living as refugees in USA explain the history of their ethnic tension

Rajiv Malhotra Official 166K subscribers Leaders from Bhutanese Hindus living as refugees in USA explain the history of their ethnic tension by the Bhutan government, and the challenges they face in USA to practice Hindu dharma. Join us in spreading awareness of this cause by using #HinduLivesMatter across social media. Watch all the episodes from the Hindu Lives Matter Series here: To donate to Infinity Foundation’s projects including the continuation of such episodes and the research we do: इनफिनिटी फ़ौंडेशन की परियोजनाओं को अनुदान देने के लिए व इस प्रकार के एपिसोड और हमारे द्वारा किये जाने वाले शोध को जारी रखने के लिए: To Subscribe to Rajiv Malhotra Official: राजीव मल्होत्रा ऑफिसियल की सदस्यता लेने के लिए: Join Rajiv's discussion (राजीव की चर्चा से जुडें): #BhutaneseRefugees #HinduLivesMatter #InfinityFound...

भारत विखंडन / मूल्यांकन - प्रोफेसर वैद्यनाथन (भाग 5/6)

Rajiv Malhotra Official 166K subscribers This video is also available in English: हम चर्चा करते हैं कि किस प्रकार भारत विखंडन शक्तियां भारत के संस्थागत ताने-बाने में परिपक्व, रूपांतरित, विस्तारित और विविधतापूर्ण हो चुकी हैं । इस संकट पर सरकार ने कैसा प्रदर्शन किया है ? युवा मंदबुद्धि होते जा रहे हैं और जनता मूर्ख । क्या करना है इसके लिए हम विभिन्न विचारों पर चर्चा करते हैं । देश विदेश का सन्देश: इनफिनिटी फ़ौंडेशन की परियोजनाओं को अनुदान देने के लिए व इस प्रकार के एपिसोड और हमारे द्वारा किये जाने वाले शोध को जारी रखने के लिए: राजीव मल्होत्रा ऑफिसियल की सदस्यता लेने के लिए: राजीव की चर्चा से जुडें:

Abhijit Iyer Mitra exposing Russia-Pakistan Nexus, Pakistani Propaganda & India's Weaknesses.

Defensive Offence 228K subscribers Abhijit Iyer Mitra is a Senior Fellow at Institute of Peace & Conflict Studies. He has extensive research & has worked in Domain of Defence, Foreign Policy & Strategic Affairs. He can be reached at: