National Suicide Prevention Lifeline : United States: 1-800-273-8255 सहायता चाहिए? भारत: 091529 87821 iCall काम का समय: सुबह 10:00 से रात 8:00, सोमवार से शनिवार भाषाएं: अंग्रेज़ी, हिन्दी, मराठी, तमिल, तेलुगू और 3 ज़्यादा भाषाएं वेबसाइट: International Association for Suicide Prevention - Resources: Crisis Centers Click on the continents, in the map below, to find crisis centers in Africa, Asia, Europe, North America, Oceania and South America. Alexander Kearns was a 20 year old kid who started trading options on Robinhood, after a few bad trades his account showed a -$730,00 balance and this pushed him to end his own life. 20-Year Old Robinhood Trader Commits Suicide After Seeing a -$730,000 Balance 0:28 - Alex was a 20 year old kid and saw a negative $700,000 Robinhood account and committed suicide because of his trading balance 1:40 - Alexander Kearns was trading options and seeing that ...